Step 1.    Identify Your Interests - start with what you like

     Step 2.   Get the Details - find out about the job, requirements, income and more 

      Step 3.   Listen to Interviews - what do people doing the work have to say

Step 1.  Identify Your Interests

Before choosing your career, it helps to know what your options are.  With more than 800 occupations to choose from, one of the best ways to start your exploration is to identify what you like from the list, Occupations According to Interest.  If you already know the industry you are interested in, choose from the list, Occupations by Industry.  Clicking on your selection will take you to Step 2.  Get the Details.

In addition to interests, aptitude, duties, and pay, there are other important factors to consider in making your career selection.  Do you like to be indoors, outdoors, alone or surrounded by others?  Do you like playing supportive roles, doing routine tasks, or being creative and making new discoveries?  Think about the work environment, the people, and the work culture. 


Occupations according to Interest


kathryn england

Choosing the Right Career

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